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EmailGreen Customer Support

Need assistance? We have friendly customer support staff on-hand 24/7. Simply use the Live Help button in the top-right corner of this page, email or call +1-619-944-7673. We are here to help you!

Extensive Help Database

As a subscriber of EmailGreen, once logged into your account, you have easy access to our searchable help database. Simple click the "?" icon in the top navigation of the software. Just about everything you need to know can be found here, from the basics to advanced tools. There are even help videos!


How does EmailGreen work?

EmailGreen is a user-friendly, web-based system for managing business marketing and operations. Our goal is to help these businesses simplify and streamline what they do every day by combining useful tools into one easy-to-use package.

What kinds of businesses can I manage with EmailGreen?

EmailGreen is flexible enough to help you manage any kind of business. From consultants to lawyers to building contractors, you have the tools at your disposal to make running your business easier.

What makes EmailGreen special?

EmailGreen is a user-friendly application built by experts in management, marketing, and operations. Our goal is to make your job as CEO easy with a web application that's fast, effective, and powerful.

How does EmailGreen compare to the competition?

The quick answer, is that nothing stacks up to EmailGreen's combination of features, while still saving you up to 80% or more on your marketing software expenses. Here's a little comparison:

Our example case: a business with 1,000 contacts ($49/month with EmailGreen)

Service   Competitor Competitor's Price
Email Marketing   Constant Contact $30/month
+ $5/month email archive
+ $5/month file storage
Calendar and Events   Trumba, Helios $100-200/month
CRM   Microsoft Dynamics, SalesForce (basic plans, only includes one user) $25-$50/month
Project Manager   BaseCamp (up to 35 projects) $49/month
Survey Builder   SurveyMonkey (max 1000 responses) $20/month


Remember, none of these software components talk to each other, while GreenRope keeps all of these functions combined in one system. And in the above cost calculations, we don't even talk about some of the other features available to you like our Brand Monitor, Coupon Builder, Forum Manager, and more!

Can I import my contacts from another system?

Absolutely! We have easy-to-use contact import tools, and if you're REALLY busy, our support staff can do your import for you. Just ask! We're happy to help!

Can I download my schedule?

Yes, schedules can be downloaded in vCalendar or iCalendar format for easy integration into everyone's calendar software (Outlook, Palm, Google Calendar, etc).

Why do some images I upload into my account not change?

In order to properly use EmailGreen, you need to ensure your browser does not store images and pages in your cache. In Internet Explorer, the best way to do this is to go to Tools - Internet Options - General, click on the Settings button under Temporary Internet Files, and select the button for "Every visit to the page".

Why do all accounts require a password to log in?

EmailGreen is dedicated to protecting the privacy of our users. We encrypt all username and password data for your safety.

Do I need to download anything to use EmailGreen?

No - EmailGreen is entirely web-based.

Which web browsers can I use with EmailGreen?

EmailGreen has been tested with Chrome, Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, and Apple Safari. Be sure you have the latest version of your web browser, as GreenRope uses cutting edge technology to bring you state-of-the-art business management. For the best user experience, we strongly recommend your screen resolution be at least 1024 pixels wide.

How do you safeguard the information stored in the EmailGreen account?

First, we will never sell, distribute, or share any information about your business without asking your permission FIRST (and no, we won't bury that permission in fine print). Secondly, we realize that your personal information should be kept that way and have endeavored to create the most secure system, with state of the art firewall protection and very restricted access (each account is in its own database, separate from all others). Lastly, we will always communicate with registered business owners when we have major upgrades or maintenance being done to the system. All members of GreenRope can elect to be on our mailing list.

Ask yourself...

  • How much simpler would your life be if you only logged in to one software system every day?
  • Does saving money every month sound good to you? Do you like being able to predict your monthly software costs?
  • Can you track individuals visiting your website and recall that data easily?
  • Can you send follow-up emails and surveys to people who attend your events?
  • Can you build professional-looking websites and storefronts in under 10 minutes?
  • Can you set up a fundraiser in under 10 minutes?
  • Does your current contact management or CRM system protect your data from being downloaded?
  • Does your CRM automatically synch up with your email marketing, social media, event registration, e-commerce, project management, and website analytics?
  • Do you have a real, secure, knowledge base or continuity documentation in place for your team?
  • Does your email marketing integrate seamlessly with your social media?
  • Do you need a full-featured, easy-to-use project management system that ties in to your CRM?
  • Do you like having all your company's events, public and private, able to be synched with the right calendars automatically?

Here's a hint - EmailGreen does all this!


Sign up for an account and see for yourself how GreenRope can help your team!